Second year of the project and upcoming partner meetings

At the end of September 2022. we have completed the second year of the SIREN project (Integrated system for SIMultaneous Recovery of Energy, organics and Nutrients and generation of valuable products from municipal wastewater). This is already 2/3 of our joint task.

This time was full of fruitful research conducted in our teams and joint meetings, which unfortunately, due to the difficult time around the world, were associated with restrictions, which is why we saw each other only via computer screens. Fortunately, slowly everything has returned to normal and the last year of working together is a great opportunity to live meeting.

We plan to organize meetings for all partners in the coming year 2023:

Poznan, Poland – June 15-16, 2023

Oslo, Norway – September 2023

We hope that this time nothing will stand in the way of face to face meeting, and the last year of our project will be as effective and fruitful as the last two years.

See you soon!